Customer satisfaction

Focus on customers, understand customers' current and future needs, meet customers' requirements and strive to exceed customers' expectations on the premise of protecting customers' confidentiality

Fair and accurate

Based on the principle of integrity, we will provide customers with scientific, fair and accurate testing/calibration services within our testing/calibration capabilities

management science

Carry out scientific, normative, reasonable and feasible management on daily work, maximize the enthusiasm and initiative of employees, and ensure the smooth implementation of work

Continuous improvement

Actively seek to improve the effectiveness of the management system process to improve work performance

  • Core Values

    Unity, self-improvement, pragmatic responsibility, openness and innovation

  • Development Concept

    We must not do family business, but we must do family business

  • Social Responsibility

    Undertake corporate citizenship responsibility and realize social value

Service hotline 0319-8167989
Company Email Company Address No. 12, Xiangsu Road, Hengshui high tech Zone
Company Fax 0318-88888888
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